All posts by Serena Lisai

A debate on circular economy in Brussels

On 16th February, ACR+ organised a debate in Brussels as an opportunity to gather people involved in circular economy in different ways and to start building bridges between already existing initiative, young people and public authorities.

If you missed the debate, watch the full recording here.

The event was opened by Serena Lisai, from ACR+, who presented the main results of CEYOU:

  • Guidelines to establish a permanent dialogue between local authorities and youth youth organisations;
  • A toolkit that collects the main Online Resources needed to organise a circular initiative;
  • A toolkit to define the steps to follow to implement a circular initiative.

Find the full presentation here.

Young people were asking for some attention and they wanted to be involved in sustainability, circular economy, they wanted to be protagonist of the transition, and with CEYOU we developed engagement strategies to give them the right tools to act! (Serena Lisai, ACR+)

Angela Karadog, coordinator of the CEYOU project, described the activities implemented locally in Pontygrip in the framework of CEYOU. She involved an already quite active group of “Young Friends of the Earth” in online workshops to imagine together the future of their city. Their ideas became the material for an exhibition. During another meeting they had the opportunity to discuss and ask questions to representatives of local and EU authorities, finally developing a detailed action plan. Each kid was made responsible of a specif idea and activity. The group has been contacted by politicians, such as the Welsh Parliament and the local Council, but also by businesses and even The Guardian.

Watch the video from Angela here.

For the next step, I’m going to leave that to them to decide and whatever they decide, we will support them. So that youth focuses on what they want to do and not on what we want them to do and forcing them to do those things. They really love talking, they love standing up, being heard and to know that they are being heard, that’s really important. (Angela Karadog, Pontypridd Youth Forum)

Max Eisenbart was invited as representative of the Fryslan Province (The Netherlands) and as 21 years old BSc student in Global Responsibility and Leadership, youth Coordinator at Regional Center Expertise (RCE) SPARK Fryslan, and Education for Climate Companion. He presented the association Circular Fryslan, which counts over 100 companies, knowledge institutes, and local governments. SPARK the Movement is a programme that focuses on youth and education, following a circular learning approach, promoting the development of the knowledge and skills, but also the values and attitudes of circular economy. The programme focuses on the whole education, from primary schools to universities and beyond.

Discover more on the challenging Fryslan circular goals on this video and check here the presentation of Max.

We need to structurally engage youth through education, when we want to come to sustainable society. And therefore we need a long-term vision but actually also “Be a rebel!”. That is both for educators but also for the students is really a thing to draw outside of the line, dare to question systems, dare to do it a little bit different because this is how youth can also make the difference. (Max Eisenbart, Fryslan Province)

Chloé Mikolajczak, from the Restart project, presented the Right to Repair campaign (R2R). The main goal of the campaign is to fight for a universal right to repair so that all products are included and to fight for the right to repair not only in approved stores (such as big companies) but also in independent repairers/stores. Moving to repairing calls a cultural change, which takes time. Thus, the companies have to be framed and guided trough laws, while acting to raise the consumers’ awareness.

Find a summary in English here.

Between 55 and 58 million tons of electronic waste are thrown away every year, representing the fastest growing waste stream in the world. For instance, smartphones are changed on average every 2/3 years while they should be used for 25 years in order to compensate their ecological impact. (Chloé Mikolajczak, Restart project)

Sophie Remy represented R-Use Fabrik, which a circular initiative Brussels-based divided into 2 main activities: clothing workshops specialized in the manufacture of articles from used textile and an Eco-responsible haberdashery. The workshops are based on sewing and up-cycling and can be organised privately or for groups. R-Use Fabrik aims at reusing up to 3.8 million tons of textile.

Check the full presentation here and the summary in English.

The textile industry is one of the most polluting sectors in terms of water pollution and CO2 emissions. The impact on waste production is also huge since, each year, from the 5 million tons of textiles put on the EU market, 4 millions are thrown away. And recycling is still not the answers since only 1% of the collected clothes are recycled (87% are incinerated or sent to the landfills). (Sophie Remy, R-Use Fabrik)

Paula Antón brought the example of Finnova Foundation as non-profit organisation involved in circular initiatives at local and European level. Finnova supports the financing of innovation of companies, regions and municipalities (local and international level) in sustainable development, circular economy and water management. In line with the European Year of Youth 2022, Finnova created the EU training platform, an online learning platform containing courses on European funds, circular economy, LIFE program, EU communication, etc.

Find the full presentation of Paula here, and a summary in English.

The event was concluded by a collection of insights from the participants on the topic of circular economy and, in particular, on how to include this approach on our everyday life.

Youth and circular economy: what are the challenges?

In 2019 young people and students from Europe and all over the world took to the streets to demand action to halt environmental damage and climate change. The development of the circular economy is seen as central to reducing damage to the environment and developing positive change. In fact, the European Commission has adopted an action plan to help accelerate Europe’s transition towards a circular economy. What are the tools provided to young people to be involved and empowered into local circular initiatives? Are they supported to take action and be part of the transition? How can the connection among youth and local authorities be reinforced? And, finally, what are the needs of young people to be empowered to understand and act upon environmental matters?

These are just some of the questions that will be discussed during the debate “Youth and circular economy: what are the challenges? Debate on engagement strategies to facilitate young people to be part of the circular transition” organised in the framework of the Erasmus+ CEYOU project by ACR+ | Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management. The event will be held in the auditorium B1.315, at the Campus Solbosch (building B) on 16 February from 6pm to 8pm.

Register here:

Facebook event:

Check the agenda here.

The debate is totally free and open to anyone interested in the topic. It will be held mainly in French. Representatives of local associations, businesses and public authorities will present their activities to promote a circular economy in Brussels. If you would like to participate, do not hesitate to get in contact with us: sli [at] acrplus [dot] org

In order to respect the latest Covid restrictions, the number of seats is limited so be sure to reserve your place by registering here. To attend the event is mandatory to show your Covid Safe Ticket and ID at the entrance. You can also follow the event online. Register and you will receive the link.

The event will be part of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the results of the debate will be translated into recommendations.

ACR+ to celebrate erasmus+ days with an inspiring video

What are the impact of the Erasmus+ programme on a network of public authorities? ACR+, partner of the CEYOU project, will join #ErasmusDays by releasing a video on its Erasmus+ adventure. Join ACR+ on Youtube on 14 October at 10:00 CET to discover more on the Erasmus+ projects in which the network is involved and the real impact it had on ACR+ and its members.

ACR+ started its Erasmus+ journey in 2019 with the CYCLE project. Since then, after seeing cities and regions from the network and outside taking steps to strengthen circular economy aspects in vocational training, ACR+ understood that its role as an international network is to share these experiences with educators, policy makers, and all those supporting local circular economy loops through educational tools. The introduction of strategic objectives linked to the Green Deal in the newest Erasmus+ programming period has paved the way for an even more structured work of the network. Thanks to the support of the Erasmus + programme, ACR+ keeps consolidating a living community of practice, which has to its credits international workshops, thematic publications, and a wide range of local raising awareness activities. Four projects, presented in the video, encompass the efforts taken by ACR+ and its members to boost the uptake of circular economy within education, vocational training, and life-long learning: CYCLE, CEYOU, Greener and GreenSportsHub.

Make sure you connect on Youtube on 14 October at 10:00 CET to learn more about the Erasmus+ projects of ACR.

(Re)watch the event of CEYOU!

If you missed the event oh 2 July titled “Putting youth at the core of circular economy“, organised by the CEYOU project and the European Week for Waste Reduction, do not worry. We recorded it for you!

You can find the recording video here.

The event was officially opened by Marta Arosio, Project Manager at the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA). She illustrated the engagement methods implemented by ALDA within two projects: LIFE BEWARE e FOOD WAVE.

Then, Serena Lisai from ACR+ and Angela Karadog, for the Pontydysgu Ltd shortly presented the European Week for Waste Reduction and the CEYOU project.

Then, the CEYOU partners presented the local activities they implemented to engage and empower youth in the political dialogue on the definition of circular economy strategies. You can find the presentations below:

Finally, ACR+, as responsible of the publication of the Guidelines for ESTABLISHING PERMANENT FORUMS OF DIALOGUE BETWEEN LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND YOUTH ORGANISATIONS ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY, illustrated the CEYOU methodology, built on the practical experiences developed by the partners, to help to pass from the understanding of the state-of-art of the local context to set the basis for an action plan. The event was closed with the presentation of 5 recommendations that the CEYOU project raised at European level. Find this final presentation here.

Putting youth at the core of circular economy. Join us at the upcoming CEYOU event!

2019 has been an historical pushing point towards an ecological transition that sees youth as the central protagonists. Young people and students from Europe and all over the world took to the streets to demand action to halt environmental damage and climate change. Young people want to be part of this transition and there are many strategies to facilitate the dialogue between youth and decision makers.

The CEYOU project aims to empower young people to take positive actions and initiatives within their local communities, to develop networks and exchange practices at local, regional, national and European levels, in order to promote the transition towards a circular economy. As the first result of the project, the CEYOU partners published a set of guidelines to establish permanent forums of dialogue on circular economy, involving young people in the development of local circular strategies.

The guidelines have been built on CEYOU partners practical experience in testing the implementation of these kinds of forums. In order to present these methodologies and inspire other organisations to embrace the involvement of youth in promoting circular economy, the CEYOU project will organise an event titled “Putting youth at the core of circular economy”.

On 2nd July 2021 from 10.30 to 12.00 CET time


Furthermore, ALDA, the European Association for Local Democracy will present its activities at European level and in particular some projects focused on building sustainable communities, especially involving youth in climate action.

The CEYOU event will be an opportunity to gather successful methodologies to involve young people into the ecological transition and development of circular communities. For this, the event has been planned in collaboration with the European Week for Waste Reduction, which will focus on the topic of circular communities.

Join us and get inspired by these practical experiences!

Download the Agenda.

Register here and share the event!