ACR+ to celebrate erasmus+ days with an inspiring video

What are the impact of the Erasmus+ programme on a network of public authorities? ACR+, partner of the CEYOU project, will join #ErasmusDays by releasing a video on its Erasmus+ adventure. Join ACR+ on Youtube on 14 October at 10:00 CET to discover more on the Erasmus+ projects in which the network is involved and the real impact it had on ACR+ and its members.

ACR+ started its Erasmus+ journey in 2019 with the CYCLE project. Since then, after seeing cities and regions from the network and outside taking steps to strengthen circular economy aspects in vocational training, ACR+ understood that its role as an international network is to share these experiences with educators, policy makers, and all those supporting local circular economy loops through educational tools. The introduction of strategic objectives linked to the Green Deal in the newest Erasmus+ programming period has paved the way for an even more structured work of the network. Thanks to the support of the Erasmus + programme, ACR+ keeps consolidating a living community of practice, which has to its credits international workshops, thematic publications, and a wide range of local raising awareness activities. Four projects, presented in the video, encompass the efforts taken by ACR+ and its members to boost the uptake of circular economy within education, vocational training, and life-long learning: CYCLE, CEYOU, Greener and GreenSportsHub.

Make sure you connect on Youtube on 14 October at 10:00 CET to learn more about the Erasmus+ projects of ACR.