(Re)watch the event of CEYOU!

If you missed the event oh 2 July titled “Putting youth at the core of circular economy“, organised by the CEYOU project and the European Week for Waste Reduction, do not worry. We recorded it for you!

You can find the recording video here.

The event was officially opened by Marta Arosio, Project Manager at the European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA). She illustrated the engagement methods implemented by ALDA within two projects: LIFE BEWARE e FOOD WAVE.

Then, Serena Lisai from ACR+ and Angela Karadog, for the Pontydysgu Ltd shortly presented the European Week for Waste Reduction and the CEYOU project.

Then, the CEYOU partners presented the local activities they implemented to engage and empower youth in the political dialogue on the definition of circular economy strategies. You can find the presentations below:

Finally, ACR+, as responsible of the publication of the Guidelines for ESTABLISHING PERMANENT FORUMS OF DIALOGUE BETWEEN LOCAL AUTHORITIES AND YOUTH ORGANISATIONS ON CIRCULAR ECONOMY, illustrated the CEYOU methodology, built on the practical experiences developed by the partners, to help to pass from the understanding of the state-of-art of the local context to set the basis for an action plan. The event was closed with the presentation of 5 recommendations that the CEYOU project raised at European level. Find this final presentation here.