Youth and circular economy: what are the challenges?

In 2019 young people and students from Europe and all over the world took to the streets to demand action to halt environmental damage and climate change. The development of the circular economy is seen as central to reducing damage to the environment and developing positive change. In fact, the European Commission has adopted an action plan to help accelerate Europe’s transition towards a circular economy. What are the tools provided to young people to be involved and empowered into local circular initiatives? Are they supported to take action and be part of the transition? How can the connection among youth and local authorities be reinforced? And, finally, what are the needs of young people to be empowered to understand and act upon environmental matters?

These are just some of the questions that will be discussed during the debate “Youth and circular economy: what are the challenges? Debate on engagement strategies to facilitate young people to be part of the circular transition” organised in the framework of the Erasmus+ CEYOU project by ACR+ | Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management. The event will be held in the auditorium B1.315, at the Campus Solbosch (building B) on 16 February from 6pm to 8pm.

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Check the agenda here.

The debate is totally free and open to anyone interested in the topic. It will be held mainly in French. Representatives of local associations, businesses and public authorities will present their activities to promote a circular economy in Brussels. If you would like to participate, do not hesitate to get in contact with us: sli [at] acrplus [dot] org

In order to respect the latest Covid restrictions, the number of seats is limited so be sure to reserve your place by registering here. To attend the event is mandatory to show your Covid Safe Ticket and ID at the entrance. You can also follow the event online. Register and you will receive the link.

The event will be part of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the results of the debate will be translated into recommendations.

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